Coast Bike Blog
Follow These 5 Tips When Choosing Your First Mountain Bike

If you're a road rider who has never tried mountain biking, or a novice MTB enthusiast compared to a seasoned expert, you may be wondering what to expect when you begin hitting the dirt. In order to find the right ride for you, check out these top tips on how...
6 Things to Look for When Buying an Electric Mountain Bike

Biking is a hobby that people of different ages enjoy. Whether you're a kid getting a bike for the first time or an adult getting a high-quality bike, there's always one for you. Of course, some are more sophisticated than others and don't come cheap. A perfect example of this...
What Are the Factors to Consider When Buying Electric Bikes?

No matter where you go, the best electric bikes for sale will always be there to serve you. If you prefer buying electric bikes, finding a reliable and quality bike manufacturer is crucial. But how would you know the best one for you with the many options out there? Here...
Finding the Perfect Electric Scooter for Commuting

Now that fuel prices are skyrocketing, along with the cost of travel, finding alternative modes of transportation has suddenly become attractive. One good example is the use of electric scooters, which have been all the rage since the end of the last decade. Scooters are a great alternative to cars...
A Basic Guide to Understanding the Power of E-Bikes

When purchasing e-bikes, some things you will need to consider are voltage, watts, and amps. But what exactly do these mean, and how are they related to the power of the e-bike. Keep reading below to learn more about these things. What Is a Volt? Volts are used to measure...
Essential Reasons to Consider Bike Insurance for Your E-Bike

Bicycle insurance covers you for theft and accidental damage to your bike. It can also cover you for any personal injury you have because of a road traffic accident. If you have an e-bike, it's important to note that most bike insurance providers will not cover you for damage to...